Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $149.99.

100 Roses

The bouquet of a hundred Classic flowers is a beautiful bouquet of the mixture of red and white Roses. These Roses are arranged in equal proportions and form a zigzag pattern within the bouquet. The flowers are given to your loved ones during their birthdays and on Valentine’s Day. Since the colour for Valentine’s is either red or white, or the mixture of the two, the bouquet of 100 Classic flowers is the best for this occasion. It can be given to your relative during the celebration of their 50 years birthday celebration in order to tell them that you wish them longer years on earth.



Due to the large bouquet, you may not feel comfortable handing over the flowers to your client; this is why MIA FLORIST is here for you—to get your delivery done. For this bouquet, you can get cheap flowers delivery. Also, you get a discount when you purchase at MIA FLORIST flower shop regularly. We give the flowers at the best value and at very affordable cost. The 100 Classic flowers have beautiful petals which are soft and naturally groomed by our Miami florists. These professional Miami florists at MIA FLORIST ensure that your bouquet of a hundred Classic flowers is well taken care of. They have put the Classic flowers together in beautiful floral arrangements in order to enhance the value people place on them. In addition, the bouquet of 100 Classic flowers is so named due to its conventional color combination. However, there is a form of uniqueness in the way the flowers are arranged. They are not mixed in a basic way; rather, they form a creative pattern which makes them unique. It is only at MIA FLORIST flower shop that you can get such beautiful Roses as the bouquet of a hundred Classic flowers.

Delivery Options and Date

When you need to order a bouquet of Classic flowers from MIA FLORIST flower shop, check our website and see the price of our 100 Classic flowers. You can place the order of these 100 Classic flowers online and indicate the delivery details of your location, especially the day and time you want the 100 Classic flowers delivered. If you would need MIA FLORIST to send the 100 Classic flowers to your recipient directly, we can have that done. Also, if there is the need to surprise your recipient for a birthday or Valentine’s celebration, we have the dramatic effects and experience of sending these flowers to your recipient in the most creative ways possible. We deliver very fast, and ensure that your hundred Classic flowers are in great condition. At MIA FLORIST, our Miami florists ensure that your bouquet of 100 Classic flowers is safe and ready for delivery. We also deliver the 100 Classic flowers on the same day they were ordered by you. There is an option for a next day delivery also; this is especially done when there is an urgent order.

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